Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Sketch List.

John and I started a blog together to challenge ourselves to draw daily, its the week anniversary today and so far it's one of the best things we've done, we compiled a list of topics and we do one each day, it makes sure that we draw at least one thing for the day, but a lot of the time we end up drawing more. Check it out here:

Friday, January 7, 2011

Screen Printing

Screen printed for the first time recently and I'm hooked on it, the above photos are the result of 4 consecutive nights in the print shop and very little sleep. The bride of frankenstein shirt I worked on myself (with technical help from John) and the Mr. e.T. shirt was a collaboration I did with Nick.

Intermittent Dreams

Had these two pieces in the USF art show "Intermittent Dreams." Being the Art Corps lackey for 3 days straight paid off. Putting on an art show was a really great learning experience, I never really realized how much goes into it. We also got Myke into the show as well, he happened to be in town, so that was pretty cool.

Nicks Nautical Shoes

This is also pretty old, made these shoes for my friend Nick. Its pretty much just acrylic, sharpie, a bit of gold leaf and a couple layers of mod podge. Have another blank pair waiting to be painted, gotta get around to that.


Did both John and my make up for Zombie Prom at USF, didn't have all the fancy Howloscream supplies so I used liquid latex, toilet paper, foundation and eye make up. (Had this sitting as a draft for the past couple months, finally noticed it).

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Worked my last night at Howl O Scream.

No more late nights getting screamed at by drunk people. Going home this weekend, might have a gig doing henna and gore makeup on Halloween at a hair salon. I gotta get some supplies together, the only thing I have is liquid latex. Hopefully by next year I can do face painting gigs as well but its near impossible to find decent face paint in stores. Ideally I'd like to get a Wolfe Brothers set but their stuff is crazy expensive. Anyway, as an ode to Howl O Scream heres some pictures of my self inflicted wounds:  
                     After my first night working, ninja start woochie and latex slit wrist.
I tend to prefer forehead woochies, everything else on my face stretches too much.
Cheek woochie and latex bloody knuckles (with my boyfriend).
If I end up doing the gig, I'll post pictures but I'll at least have some pictures of friends and family.
Working on a Rocky Horror Magenta costume, pretty excited about that as well, hopefully I get it together in time. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Starting up and clocking out

First post, and a hurried one at that. Its bed time and due to my unconventional weekend sleep schedule I have more then enough "beauty rest" to catch up on. Hopefully I wake up looking something like this:  
I'll start uploading artwork once I figure out how to watermark most of it. G'night!